This is so awesome… where we’re at; but there’s so much more. There’s two twelve foot angels that are blowing their trumpets; they are sounding silver trumpets, releasing new sounds from Heaven’s symphony, ushering in a new, higher wave of His Glory. I heard the voice of the Lord rushing in as the sound of many waters — waters billowing in — saying, “My precious love, I will carry you on the crest of My Wave and take you to a new place in Me where you have never been. You have only known My Sweetness and My Intimacy for you as a droplet of rain because that’s all you could contain. My droplets of rain are like a mighty River to you but the vastness and the greatness of My River for you has yet to be tapped and encountered. You are coming into uncharted waters on a journey with Me, and I will reveal more of My Treasures unto you.” In the new building, I was seeing at the top of the building all around the circumference of the top, large wings, white with gold and silver and platinum. These were wings interlocked with each other, connected all around the top, moving up and down; breathing like a giant bellow, moving the air of His Holy Presence — just up and down, moving the air of His Holy Presence, igniting and fanning the flame of His Fire in people’s hearts. I saw His Fire settle on His people as they have never experienced. And this River of water with fire and flames kindling, dancing on top of it flowed out of this house bringing revival and salvation to the community. The second thing I saw on top of the building — its inside, at the top, wall to wall, every dimension — I saw a large cluster of multi-colored heavenly grapes filling the whole inside of the top of the building. And as the worship would come up to the throne, giant hands would gently squeeze the different-colored grapes and then drops and streams of juices would flow into the mouths and hearts of the desperate and thirsty and the hungry. Different flavors of intimacy with God were being embraced in a new dimension. I saw wine vats in His church, His people, being filled. I saw them as water pots in His hand being poured out upon the dry and parched land of people’s lives. The third thing I saw at the top of this new building — I saw an enormous, golden, Glory Wheel that fit the whole inside of the top. It was a solid gold wheel, except for vent-like openings all the way around the wheel, from the center to the outside edge of the wheel. The whole gold wheel was very thick all around and the wheel of glory and fire and holiness was turning at a slow movement. it was releasing sounds of Heaven we’ve not heard. And on the edge of this golden Glory Wheel there were trumpets extending out all around this wheel. As the wheel turned, these trumpets would sound — it would be a new sound — every time there was a movement, there was a new sound. And the trumpets were blowing in harmony, in unison: Revelation! Revelation! Revelation! Revelation! Revelation! Revelation! And this golden Glory Wheel would ascend and descend — up and down — and it was releasing sovereign visitations and demonstrations of our God. And I saw angels standing in this building as well as that building. Not just angels…I saw angels standing shoulder to shoulder…no space in between. A gate in Heaven was open, and I saw more angels being dispatched in the house. We think we know what an open Heaven is, but we’ve yet to see the open Heavens! It’s only cracked open right now. And they were packed solid all around the walls in this building and the new building waiting in position to manifest His Glory like we’ve not experienced! They were standing there with body parts; lungs, ear drums, eyes, other parts of the human body. Waiting, waiting, for the command of Jesus, the Captain of the Lord of Hosts to bring the creative signs and wonders and miracles. And this Glory Wheel was adorned with all manner of precious stones. And I saw four rainbow-colored light beams like laser lights from the wheel all the way to the floor. They started moving from the four corners of the building, and they started moving to various places in the building, causing people to be frozen, and they were locked and they couldn’t move — not just for a few seconds, but hours, hours. And they were in a position, locked and frozen as God was communing with them. Great dreams and visions were being poured out. “This is a pool. For My people, even as you smell and hear the Rain, and even as you are in My River, My vast River, you are encountering the difference Rivers that flow out of your innermost being — for the River of wisdom and intercession, the River of knowledge, the River of miracles and signs and wonders — the River of new wine, the River of My fragrance, My very scent, the River of My Glory. Because of My blood, you have the redemption story. The Rivers are within the River that flows from My throne to you, My very own. I’ve raised you up to be a pool in the land, an oasis, a watering hole. You will be like the sweetest rose of Sharon in the desert places. It’s time to wake up, it’s time to arise, it’s time to go in deeper — the River is wider. There’s a new place, a new depth, a new current, a new flow. It’s fresh! O, jump in deeper, deeper. You think you’re swimming now, but I’ve got a new depth you’ve never encountered. I’ve got resources, I’ve got finances, I’ve got the hundreds of thousands, I’ve got the millions, I’ve got the billions. I’ve got the souls; I’ve got the people. I’m positioning you; I’m preparing you for My Glory. I’m preparing you for things that your eye has not seen and your ears have not heard. You’ve experienced much, you think, but this is only a droplet of Heaven, for the Revelation I’ve poured out — it’s new, it’s big, it’s mighty unto you, but it’s nothing unto Me,” sayeth the Lord. “I’ve got so much more; so, while you’re shut up behind a prison door, call upon Me and I will show you great and mighty things, things you don’t even know of. I’ve got men and women in the market place that’s coming, I’ve got government, I’ve got businesses, I’ve got education, I’ve got the judicial, I’ve got the military, I’ve got the medical people, I’ve got all the different walks of life I will set in this house, and they will know Me, they will experience Me, and they will wonder at My Glory and My Signs, and My River will overwhelm them. Get ready. The floodgates have even yet to be open; the floodgates have yet to be open. You’ll hear My thundering, you’ll hear the crackling, you’ll hear the yelling of My angels, you’ll see the lightning flashes — you’ll know My Rainbow is in the house because My throne has sat upon the praises and worship of My people and therefore My weightiness of My Glory shall be upon you because I’m setting there upon you, all around you, wrapping Myself around you, rising up within you, and I’m going to flow out of you into the streets, into the marketplace into the public arena and I will take the young generation, the children, the teenagers, the young adults. I will take those Deborahs and Esthers and Josiahs and Joshuas and Calebs, and I will raise them up and they will experience what you will not experience, but what you see afar off. “And yea,” the Lord says, “they’re going to walk in it and they’re going to experience. Get ready! Because they are coming forth and they’re going to be wild, and they’re going to be different. They’ll not be like you think,” sayeth God. This is a new hour of restoration. Wake up the intercessors — let them bring to birth what You’re doing in this earth, O Lord.

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